The mission of Tartar Athletics is to provide an equitable opportunity for all students to participate in intercollegiate athletics while succeeding in obtaining their academic or vocational goals. We believe that athletic participation helps promote leadership development, time management skills, sportsmanship, positive role modeling, peer group interaction, determination, risk-taking and perseverance. The athletic department strongly endorses a comprehensive program that encourages the development of each student-athlete's values and character, and sees its activities as an integral part of campus life, and as a positive aspect of the overall educational experience for its participants.
It is the philosophy of Compton College is to strive to maintain the optimum level of teaching and coaching, as well as support from the community, the Board of Trustees, the District, and the College administration, faculty, and students. We will also strive to coordinate and control intercollegiate athletic competition so that the result will be compatible with the CCCAA and South Coast Conference Constitution and Bylaws, and the highest standards of conduct. Compton College aims to provide the experiences of all participants to reflect dignity and exemplify competition at its finest.